Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Focus on the fundies: Reed loses in Georgia

Former lobbyist Ralph Reed lost his race for lieutenant governor in the Republican primary in Georgia. The Christian Coalition founder and associate of Jack Abramoff lost the primary by more than 10 points and conceded the race by 10 pm local time.

From the NYT story:
"Throughout his campaign, Mr. Reed maintained that he did not know that the money he received through Mr. Abramoff came from gambling proceeds and said he was proud of helping to shut down casinos."
So perhaps he lost as much for utter disingenuousness as for being involved with Abramoff in the first place. If it's one thing a good ol' Southern boy hates, it's a liar.

Here's the story from the Atlanta Journal Constitution, and be sure to read the piece on Salon, which infiltrated Reed's non-victory non-celebration.

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