Friday, July 21, 2006

Macho asshole indicted

A former Silicon Valley CEO, described as "aggressive" and "mercurial" -- code words for someone who is a complete asshole -- was indicted yesterday by federal authorities on securities fraud charges.

As you read his biography, you'll see there are plenty of people in the world celebrating the takedown of this shithead (emphasis mine):
Greg Reyes is a big game hunter who has traveled the world on hunting expeditions... chewing tobacco ... Some executives who know Reyes or who have worked with him even briefly describe him as intense, competitive, aggressive and charismatic. ... Could be mercurial, firing people for small mistakes...
But this was the most telling detail:
His father, Gregorio Reyes, is a Silicon Valley legend, an immigrant from Cuba ...
That was enough to send me on a Google search. Sure enough, he donated $53,000 to the RNC in 2004, with his wife donating $25,000. listed him as #48 on the list of wealthiest Hispanics in the U.S.

I'm just sorry white collar criminals are sent to country club prisons. I'd like to see how mercurial and aggressive he would be in San Quentin.

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