Friday, July 07, 2006

Smut: I know it when I see it

Somehow, everything seems kind of dirty today. Is it because it's summer? What is up with the prurience factor today?

Example: I just ran across this Media Matters page on a recent appearance by Ann Coulter on a Denver radio talk show.
RADIO HOST: But the intolerance of the religion of the left says no, no, no, no. Free people cannot freely associate around the activities that -- the legal activities -- that they enjoy. Now, if we treated homosexuals the way we treat smokers, they would rightfully be rioting in the streets.

COULTER: Absolutely. Absolutely. It's a great comparison. Because meanwhile, these health fanatics, when it comes to smoking, encourage every form of polymorphous perversity, which, by the way, does have public health consequences -- but no, no, no, no. That -- that -- you know, anal sex and fisting, that's part of our deepest privacy rights.
  • The strange repetition of "No, no, no, no." What's that about?
  • "Health fanatics, when it comes to smoking, encourage every form of polymorphous perversity." Not sure what that means, but it brings to mind certain acts sometimes performed in Bangkok girly bars.
  • "Anal sex and fisting (are) part of our deepest privacy rights." No doubt this was said ironically. But no one can doubt the accuracy of the word "deepest" in this context.
  • Finally, since she brought it up -- what does Ann Coulter think goes through the minds of (in this case) conservative Colorado radio listeners when she mentions "fisting"? The Media Matters entry links to an Atrios posting which examines Coulter's repeated reference to this practice in her recent book. Fisting, fisting, fisting, over and over again. And this brings us back to:
  • "No, no, no, no."
It's starting to make sense.

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