Sunday, July 09, 2006

Shoot-outs are stupid

To the idiotic spectacle of professional soccer players faking injuries to draw fouls, and the completely psychopathic head-butt (Yahoo Sports article; YouTube video) that got one of France's best players thrown out of the last game of his career, add the stupidest thing of all: a world championship decided on penalty kicks.

I watched the overtime periods of the World Cup final-- I didn't get home from church in time to watch the two regular periods -- and when the two overtimes ended and it was still tied, I just turned off the TV. Who wants to see the penalty kick bogosity?

If tie baseball games were decided this way, you'd put a runner on third base for free and say "Let's see if you can score him in three pitches." Then the other team gets a chance to score a runner from third on three pitches. And they do this until one team does it twice more than the other.

What the fuck would that be? -- not baseball, but a single baseball situation, artificially inflated in importance for the purpose of deciding a contest.


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