Thursday, April 21, 2005

What about my favorite band?

Rachel Kramer Bussel has been rhapsodizing about The Reputation, so I went to iTunes and downloaded their latest album, To Force a Fate. And to tell you the truth, on first listen I wasn't that impressed. I think they sound a little like my favorite (now defunct) band, Letters to Cleo, though Cleo's lead songwriter-singer Kay Hanley is a more arresting songwriter and a more kick-ass singer. So here's a recommendation right back at you: Wholesale Meats and Fish, a ten-year-old album that totally rocks.

And I am totally into listening to my new favorite album, The Concretes (self-titled).


Rachel said...

I totally like Letters to Cleo too, haven't heard Kay's solo stuff. I love this one song they do "You Dirty Rat," not sure if it's on anything else but it's on this charity CD Safe & Sound, which, incidentally, is the first place I heard Mary Lou Lord, and it's a great, catchy, angry-but-fun song. Must dig out my LTC CDs. :)

Mark Pritchard said...

Another Letters to Cleo fan, right on. Then try The Concretes!

I got Kay Hanley's solo CD "Cherry Marmelade," and it lacks a certain Je ne sais quoi from the LTC days.